
As a supplier to industrial producers, we focus on the dragging with sugar and/or chocolate of basic products, as well as production of typical chocolate shapes with various sizes. (smarties, mini eggs, etc..)

De Bock is a specialist in the glossing and processing of chocolate blossoms, pajets, rods, chunks and the like that add value to decorate finished products.

In addition, De Bock has also specialized in "sugar coating" chocolate products with an ultra-fine sugar coating.

Since early 2014, we have been able to add "chocolate coating" to our expertise. From now on we coat various basic raw materials (nut-free) such as crispies, cookies, raisins, sugar molds, etc with chocolate.

Chocolate Coating

Sugar Coating

Natural shine

Gloss color



Why choose De Bock ?


We guarantee a quality product. All our products are made by a specialized team and finished with love.


We are always looking for new challenges to bring an improved and/or new product to the market.
As a subcontractor, we develop new opportunities together with you around products and concepts.


We are not only active in Belgium, but also open our doors to market our products and production capabilities beyond the country's borders.


You can always contact us with all your questions. Orders are custom processed and we guarantee fast deliveries.